Different Gridview Operations

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We use gridview control for different purpose in our application. Here I am explanning some of the
most useful operations using gridview

Here I am showing the final results of the various samples. You can download the complete source in end of the article.

  • Search in Gridview

  • General Edit operations with Gridview.

  • Showing Image in gridview.

  • Showing Image in gridview from Databas

  • Gridview with checkboxes

  • Modalpopup with Gridview

  • Hovermenu with Gridview

  • Import Excel to Gridview

  • Import Gridview to Excel

  • Using Filters in Gridview

Search in Gridview
Some times we need search the inner details of a gridview. For this requirement we can use this functionality.

General Edit operations with Gridview.
This is very common operation. But really useful when we have few columns

Showing Image in gridview.
Some times we have to show Images inside gridview which are placed in one folder in server.

 <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Image">


            <img src="Images/<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Mobile")%>"


            height="200px" />



Showing Image in gridview from Databas
If the Images are stored in database, then we have to use Generic handler, by using this we can retrive the Images from database. You can find the source in download.

  <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Image">


            <asp:Image ID="imgproduct" runat="server" Width="100px" Height="100px"

            ImageUrl='<%# "Product.ashx?pid="+ Eval("PID") %>'  />



Gridview with checkboxes
In many requirements we will have checkboxes in our grid. check here how to get the selected checkbox values inide the gridview

Modalpopup with Gridview
In gridview we can show the Ajax Modalpopup, when user clicks on button which placed inside a gridview.

  if (e.CommandName == "view")


            string idval = e.CommandArgument.ToString();

            DataSet ds = (DataSet)Session["dbsample"];

            DataRow[] gvw = ds.Tables[0].Select("ID = '" + idval + "'");

            if (gvw.Length > 0)


                txtname.Text = gvw[0]["Name"].ToString();

                txtdept.Text = gvw[0]["Department"].ToString();

                txtdesig.Text = gvw[0]["Designation"].ToString();

                txtemail.Text = gvw[0]["Email"].ToString();

                txtphone.Text = gvw[0]["Phone"].ToString();

                txtaddress.Text = gvw[0]["Address"].ToString();





Hovermenu with Gridview
Check out this example, how to integrate a hovermenu with the gridview

   protected void grdImage_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)


        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)


            AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuExtender hme = e.Row.FindControl("HoverMenuExtender1") as AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuExtender;

            e.Row.ID = "row" + e.Row.RowIndex.ToString();

            Panel hf = e.Row.FindControl("pnl1") as Panel;

            hme.TargetControlID = e.Row.ID;



Import Excel to Gridview
Check how to Import a XL file and bind it grid view

Import Gridview to Excel
Export the selected rows in gridview to Excel

Using Filters in Gridview
Check here how to use the filters in gridview

Source Code

Alphabetic User Control

Sunday, December 14, 2008
In some situations we may have a requirement to search the records Alphabetic wise. For these type of requirement we have to take 26 alphabets and when we have to generate click events to know which alphabet clicked. Its not a good way to generate 26 button click events. Instead of that we can take Command Name and we will call the same function. And if we make a user control, this control can used many times in our project.
First Add a Webuser control to your project and name it as “Alphabetic_Control.ascx”. Then add 26 link buttons. Each button has “Command Name” and “onclick” events.
“Command Name” contains the text of the link button like A, B, etc. and all “onclick” events of 26 link button calls “SelectList_Alpha” function.
The final user control code is:

  1. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkA" runat="server" CommandName="A" Text="A" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  2. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkB" runat="server" CommandName="B" Text="B" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  3. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkC" runat="server" CommandName="C" Text="C" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  4. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkD" runat="server" CommandName="D" Text="D" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  5. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkE" runat="server" CommandName="E" Text="E" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  6. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkF" runat="server" CommandName="F" Text="F" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  7. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkG" runat="server" CommandName="G" Text="G" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  8. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkH" runat="server" CommandName="H" Text="H" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  9. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkI" runat="server" CommandName="I" Text="I" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  10. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkJ" runat="server" CommandName="J" Text="J" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  11. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkK" runat="server" CommandName="K" Text="K" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  12. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkL" runat="server" CommandName="L" Text="L" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  13. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkM" runat="server" CommandName="M" Text="M" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  14. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkN" runat="server" CommandName="N" Text="N" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  15. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkO" runat="server" CommandName="O" Text="O" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  16. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkP" runat="server" CommandName="P" Text="P" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  17. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkQ" runat="server" CommandName="Q" Text="Q" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  18. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkR" runat="server" CommandName="R" Text="R" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  19. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkS" runat="server" CommandName="S" Text="S" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  20. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkT" runat="server" CommandName="T" Text="T" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  21. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkU" runat="server" CommandName="U" Text="U" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  22. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkV" runat="server" CommandName="V" Text="V" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  23. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkW" runat="server" CommandName="W" Text="W" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  24. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkX" runat="server" CommandName="X" Text="X" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  25. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkY" runat="server" CommandName="Y" Text="Y" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton> -

  26. <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkZ" runat="server" CommandName="Z" Text="Z" OnClick="SelectList_Alpha"></asp:LinkButton>

Write the “SelectList_Alpha” function in the code behind. The complete code is..
The User control designing is completed, Now we have to generate a “Click” events to this User Control. The reason to create “Click” event is when we take this user control to other page it will not fire the click event. We have to create a “Click” event explicitly. For this we need to create a “Delegate” and “Event Handler”. It can shown as..

  1. public delegate void ClickEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

  2. public event ClickEventHandler Click;

  3. protected void SelectList_Alpha(object sender, EventArgs e)

  4. {

  5. LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)sender;

  6. Click(sender, e);

  7. }

Now create new page as “AlphaTest.aspx” in this page go to “design” view and drag the user control which we created.
Now go the code behind of “AlphaText.aspx”. In the page_load event create a delegate. The delegate can be created as.

  1. Alphabetic_Control1.Click += new Alphabetic_Control.ClickEventHandler(Alphabetic_Control1_Click);

The above code can be achieved as, First the ID of the User control, i.e, AplhaBeticcontrol1. when we put a “.” Inside that it will show all the methods and events. In that one select “Click”. Then put a “+”and “=” automatically designer will tell you to press the “Tab” button. Press 2 times it will generate the “Click” event.
In the click event write the fallowing code..

  1. protected void Alphabetic_Control1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

  2. {

  3. LinkButton lnkbtn = (LinkButton)sender;

  4. Response.Write("You Selected : " + lnkbtn.CommandName.ToString());

  5. }

Now run the "AlphaTest.aspx" page, when ever you click on the user control a event will be fired.

Download Sample Code