Sending Email in ASP.Net from Windows XP

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Now a days many web application has a requirement of send email. Using ASP.Net we can send emails, but when ever we are developing in WindowsXP environment, It doesnt allows us to send the email. It need some configuration so that we can send Email in WindowsXP with ASP.Net. Here are Steps for configuration..

Step 1: Open IIS, Stop the "Default SMTP Virtual Server" here is screen shot

Step 2: Open Properties of "Default SMTP Virtual Server" in that one, Select "Access" tab.

Step 3: click on "Relay" button. It will open a "Relay Restriction" window. In this window select a radio button with text as "Only the list below".

Step 4: Then click on "Add" button. which allow to enter an IP Address. In that enter local IP Address as Then click "ok" button to close Access tab and propertie window. here is the screen shot:

Step 5: Restart the "Default SMTP Mail Server".
with this 5 steps we can configure IIS. Now when you send Email, it will be sent.